3.4 Undergraduate Admissions

Responsible Position

Vice President of Advancement and Outreach


Minnesota State Board Policy


Alexandria Technical and 成人直播 (ATCC) considers all applicants for admission regardless of age, race, sex, color, religion, ethnicity, creed, disability, national origin, marital status, status in regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a U.S. veteran. ATCC follows an open-door admission policy which means that any individual who has graduated from an accredited high school, successfully completed a General Education Development (GED) examination, or will be dually/concurrently enrolled at ATCC and a secondary school is eligible for admission.

Admission to ATCC does not automatically qualify a student for all college-level courses and programs. Some technical and transfer programs may also require special prerequisites and requirements. Refer to ATCC Policy 3.3 Assessment for Course Placement and ATCC Procedure 3.3.1 Assessment for Course Placement for further details.

Licensure Programs

Admission criteria for the Nursing and Police Training & Education programs are based on established licensure requirements.

Denied Admission

A student suspended from another college or university for academic reasons within a year prior to their application to Alexandria Technical and 成人直播 will be denied admission. Notification of the denial of admission will be sent to the student with information about the appeal process.

A student who is currently suspended or has been expelled from another college or university for disciplinary reasons shall be denied admission.

Financial Holds

A student who has a financial hold at another Minnesota State College or University may be admitted to Alexandria Technical and 成人直播, but will only be allowed to enroll in courses once the financial hold has been removed.

If a student has previously attended ATCC, please see ATCC Procedure 3.4.2 for readmissions procedures.