6.12 Campus Security and Crime Reporting

Responsible Position

Director of Facilities and Security



Campus Security

All students must leave Alexandria Technical and 成人直播 (ATCC) campus buildings no later than the posted building closing times on days the buildings are open. No students should be in campus buildings when the buildings are closed (e.g. holidays, weekends, etc.).

A security camera system is installed in various buildings throughout the campus to assist ATCC campus authorities in identifying suspects in reported cases of breaches of security. If you are aware of a security breach, you must contact the Facilities Supervisor/Security Lead and they will review the surveillance video.

Evening security officers provide security coverage at the Main Campus and Office and Information Technology Center (700 building)/Law Enforcement Center complex from Monday through Thursday from 5:00 p.m. until the buildings close. The student security workers are student employees and are not certified or sworn peace officers. Student security workers provide security services to assist in protecting students, employees, and visitors such as regular foot patrols, escort services, emergency first aid, safety, and security monitoring.

Crime Reporting

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act is a federal statute requiring colleges participating in federal financial aid programs to maintain and disclose campus crime statistics and security information. The U.S. Department of Education conducts reviews to evaluate an institution's compliance with the Clery Act requirements.

In compliance with the Clery Act requirements, Alexandria Technical & 成人直播 monitors criminal activity and maintains a three-year statistical history of crime reports. ATCC will distribute a copy of this report to each current student and employee, notify prospective students and employees of its availability, and provide a copy of the report upon request.

All illegal and inappropriate activities occurring on campus must immediately be reported to the Safety Coordinator. All alleged criminal activities will be investigated. The Safety Coordinator serves as the primary liaison that accurately and promptly reports all crimes occurring on campus property to the Alexandria Police Department. ATCC will use local law enforcement for law enforcement authority on campus. ATCC has established an agreement with local law enforcement giving them the authority to conduct investigations of alleged criminal offenses occurring on Alexandria Technical & 成人直播's property.

Related ATCC Documents:


Approved by: Leadership Council

Effective Date: 3/24/2021

Next Review Date: March 2024

Archive: 6.6.3 Campus Security Act