3.10.1 Course Add, Drop, and Withdrawal

Responsible Position

Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs


Alexandria Technical and 成人直播 students must drop, add, and/or withdraw from courses according to the following procedures:

  • Add – register for course(s)
  • Drop – remove course(s) and the associated charge(s)
  • Withdraw – course(s) remains on transcript with a grade of "W"
  • Business Day – refers to days college is in session
  • Calendar Day – refers to all days (including weekends and holidays)
Drop/Add Period

The drop/add period is any time prior to midnight on the fifth (5th) business day of each semester for courses that run the entire length of the semester. For courses that meet less than the entire semester, the drop/add period is any time prior to midnight on the second (2) business day from the beginning date of the course. Schedule changes may be made in eServices during these time frames on a space-available basis.

If a student adds a course that has already met, it will be the student's responsibility to meet with the instructor to receive all assigned work. In some courses, it may not be possible for students to make up any assignments that were already due.

Students taking classes from other colleges need to know and follow the timelines and procedures of the college offering the course(s). Courses may have different dates for dropping/adding and withdrawing.

Schedule changes made within the defined drop/add period will result in automatic tuition adjustments.

Change of Major Deadline

For students registered for classes in a program major, no changes of major may occur after the first five (5) business days of the semester, and any change of major requests will take effect the following semester.

Schedule Changes after Drop/Add Period

Adds: If a course begins after the fifth (5th) business day of the semester, the student may add the course during the first two (2) business days from the beginning date of the course if space is available. There will be no adjustment to financial aid for adds after the fifth (5th) business day of the semester. Students will be responsible for the cost of the added course(s).

Administration-approved courses that are added to the master schedule after the first five (5) business days must be completed within that semester. This would include, but not be limited to, requests for independent study.

Drops: If a course begins after the fifth (5th) business day of the semester, the student must drop the course within the defined drop/add period or they will be financially obligated for the costs associated with the course (see Withdrawal from College information below).

Withdrawal from College

After the defined drop/add period(s), students cannot drop an individual course for a tuition adjustment. Students may "withdraw" from individual courses and receive a "W". Refer to policy 5.12 Financial Due Dates, Refunds, Withdrawals, and Waivers.

Related ATCC Documents:


Approved by: Leadership Council

Effective Date: 4/6/2021

Next Review Date: April 2024

Archive: 3.5.1 Online Courses
                 3.5.3 Registration Deadlines for Programs
                 3.5.4 Course Drop, Add, and Withdrawal