Carpentry Curriculum

The curriculum below is the most current information available. To browse curriculum from the current academic year and past years, please view our Academic Catalogs. If you are a current student with questions about your course requirements, please speak with your advisor or refer to your in .

Click here for course descriptions.

1FallCARP1510Framing & Construction I33
1FallCARP1533Foundations & Concrete33
1FallCARP1621Shop I36
1FallCARP1622Shop II36
1FallCARP1631Tool Safety & First Aid34
1FallCARP1641Architectural Drafting34
   Semester Total1826
2SprCARP1538Framing & Construction II33
2SprCARP1623Shop III36
2SprCARP1624Shop IV36
2SprCARP1647Cabinet Making34
2SprITEC1430Computer Applications & Technology33
2SprMATH1453Technical Math33
   Semester Total1825
3FallCARP2520Blueprint Reading33
3FallCARP2540Computerized Management34
3FallCARP2620Computerized Architectural Drafting34
3FallCARP2625Shop V36
3FallCARP2626Shop VI36
   Semester Total1827
4SprCARP2541Construction Safety/MN Construction Law23
4SprCARP2612Computerized Estimating22
4SprCARP2627Shop VII24
4SprCARP2628Shop VIII36
4SprCRLT1440Communicating for Results22
4SprGEN ED General Education Elective33
   Semester Total1832
   Program Total72110

Note: AAS degrees must have Gen. Ed. courses from three goal areas and AS degrees from six goal areas of the MN Transfer Curriculum.

Visit with advisor or refer to Degree Audit Report for elective options.

This course sequence is an example.