Liberal Arts & Sciences AA Curriculum

The curriculum below is the most current information available. To browse curriculum from the current academic year and past years, please view our Academic Catalogs. If you are a current student with questions about your course requirements, please speak with your advisor or refer to your in .

Click here for course descriptions.


Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate in Arts (AA) degree (60 credits) course requirements include:

  1. 40 credits from the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
    • Goal 1: Written & Oral Communications (9 credits) require at least 2 written (ENGL) and 1 oral (COMM) courses
    • Goal 2: Critical Thinking (0-3 credits). Taking 40 Minnesota Transfer Curriculum credits will also satisfy goal 2.
    • Goal 3: Natural Sciences (7-8 credits). One course must include a lab or lab-like component.
    • Goal 4: Mathematical/Logical Reasoning (3 credits)
    • Goal 5: History & the Social & Behavioral Sciences (6 credits-- 2 courses)
    • Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts (6 credits-- 2 courses from a minimum of 2 disciplines)
    • Goal 7: Human Diversity, Race, Power, and Justice in the United States (3 credits)
    • Goal 8: Global Perspective (3 credits)
    • Goal 9: Ethical & Civic Responsibility (3 credits)
    • Goal 10: People & the Environment (3 credits)
    • MnTC electives: selected from Goal areas 1-10 (6 credits)
  2. Completion of 6 additional MnTC credits in Goal 5 (3 credits) and Goal 6 (3 credits).
  3. 11-16 unrestricted elective credits
  4. 2-3 credits technology literacy electives
    • ITEC 1430 Intro to Computer or
    • ITEC 1440 Beginning Personal Comp I
  5. 1-3 credits wellness electives
    • Any PHED course or
    • BIOL1435 Principles of Nutrition or
    • BIOL1439 Nutrition II
  6. 1-3 credits workplace skills/career exploration elective
    • CRLT1439 Job Seeking/Keeping Skills or
    • CRLT1440 Communicating for Results or
    • COMM1445 Advanced Communicating for Results or
    • GSDV1400 Individualized Degree Plan
  Minnesota's Global Military Learning Network: Military Bridge Available!

Military bridge programs through Minnesota's Global Military Learning Network (MN-GMLN) provide opportunities for U.S. military service members who have trained in specific occupations to use their training as college credit toward specific degrees.

AA Degrees must have general courses from all 10 goal areas of the MN Transfer Curriculum.

Visit with advisor or refer to Degree Audit Report for elective options.

This course sequence is an example.